Pop-up Shakespeare With MSC: Theater Everywhere

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Madison Shakespeare Company brings the works and words of William Shakespeare closer to where Dane County lives and works. Now we’re making that official by offering MSC’s pop-up theater services to the public. Madison Shakespeare Company is now accepting bookings … Continued

WORT-FM Interview with Lord and Lady Macbeth

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Jonathan Zarov of WORT-FM’s Friday Eight ‘o Clock Buzz interviewed Jason Compton and Sarah Z. Johnson, who portray Lord and Lady Macbeth, about the unique adaptation of Madison Shakespeare Company’s latest full-length production.  

Video trailer for The Tragedy of Macbeth

posted in: Productions | 0

Benjamin Barlow has produced a fine trailer for The Tragedy of Macbeth. In just one minute, feel the intense love, the misguided dreams, and the terrible deeds that tear Scotland asunder, July 21-24. Then reserve your place in history.

A Thane We Can Believe In!

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This clever campaign button is reportedly the creation of one Amanda M of De La Salle Academy. Looks like Amanda has a good grasp on the issues, far better than Macbeth does on his kingdom. Watch it all slip away, … Continued

Gouge. Fight.

posted in: Special Events | 0

King Lear III.7 is infamous for many reasons, and it’s becoming a Madison Shakespeare Company signature piece on the strength of its acting and fight work. Directed and choreographed by Francisco Torres, the fight features the talents of Mike Dartt, … Continued