Final weekend of Love’s Labour’s Lost!

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Last three chances to see MSC’s fast-paced, fresh, funny, 90 minute take on Love’s Labour’s Lost are here, Friday through Saturday August 16-18 at the Madison Country Day School amphitheater. Get your tickets now on Eventbrite before this classic goes … Continued

A whirlwind weekend!

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In just the past few days: We held our final offsite Twelfth Night rehearsal We visited Show Biz Buzz with Bruno We packed the wine garden at Table Wine for a fun afternoon of Shakespeare scenes and games We moved … Continued

Lovers In June Weather Update

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Lovers In June opens (and closes!) this weekend, so we thought you should know: The Saturday performance will be held rain-or-shine in the Tyranena outdoor beer garden. The Sunday performance at Paoli Schoolhouse Bistro will move indoors to the restaurant … Continued

Lovers In June, this weekend only!

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ICYM romance and rhyme, MSC returns to the great outdoors to kick off the summer Shakespeare season with Lovers In June, a special presentation at two of our favorite venues. Love scenes, surprising sonnets, and unforgettable moments coming your way … Continued

What’s Madison Shakespeare Company all about?

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“It’s all about the love.For theater. For performing. For centuries-enduring classics.” The Wisconsin State Journal’s Gayle Worland profiles the ten-year journey and ongoing mission of MSC, from the premiere production of Julius Caesar in 2012 through the present day. As … Continued

We may be obsessed with Cleopatra…

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…but can you blame us? The Queen of the Nile has been featured in more MSC productions, and portrayed by more performers, than any other character in our 10-year history: Antony and Cleopatra (2013, Deanna Martinez) An Evening’s Affair (2015, … Continued

Absence makes the heart burn stronger

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A Valentine’s Affair will return in 2022 with more love stories, more hopeless romantics, and more unpredictable sonnets. February 12-14 at Brink Lounge in Madison, all showtimes 7 PM. Tickets will go on sale at a later date.