Madison Shakespeare Company is dedicated to the production and performance of classic theatrical works for audiences in the Madison, Wisconsin area.
Madison Shakespeare Company was founded in 2011 by Warren Hansen and John Varda. The debut production, Julius Caesar, opened at Breese Stevens Field on July 26, 2012.
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Production History
February 9-11 2023: A Valentine’s Affair 2023
July 15-24 2022: Much Ado About Nothing
June 4-5 2022: Shakespeare’s Lovers In June
April 23 2022: Shakespeare in the Park: An Anniversary Celebration
February 12-15 2022: A Valentine’s Affair 2022
July 23-August 1 2021: All’s Well That Ends Well
May 22-30 2021: Desires
October 18 2020: Julius Caesar 2020
August 1-9 2020: Scandals
February 29 2020: Sudden Shakespeare: Hamlet
February 13-15 2020: A Valentine’s Affair 2020
July 26-August 3 2019: The Merry Wives of Windsor
February 8-16 2019: Henry the Fourth Part Two
February 12-14 2019: A Valentine’s Affair 2019
July 28-August 17 2018: Sloshed Shakespeare: Antony and Cleopatra
July 8-19 2018: The True Chronicle History of King Leir
June 22-July 1 2018: Taming of the Shrew
February 9-17 2018: Henry the Fourth
February 13-14 2018: A Valentine’s Affair: Love Scenes From Shakespeare
July-October 2017: Sloshed Shakespeare: Macbeth
June 2-11 2017: As You Like It
February 17-March 11 2017: Richard the Second
July 21-24 2016: The Tragedy of Macbeth
April 22 2016: Adult Swimmeth
February 18-28 2016: An Evening’s Affair 2: Shakespeare’s Betrayals
August 5-9 2015: An Evening’s Affair: Shakespeare’s Love and Conflict
March 6-14 2015: Romeo and Juliet (produced by Madison College Performing Arts in collaboration with MSC)
July 24-28 2013: Antony and Cleopatra
July 26-29 2012: Julius Caesar