Our “Shakespeer” series begins Thursday July 20 at Arts + Literature Laboratory with a one-night-only staged reading of Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe. Marlowe’s career was cut tragically short, but his Faustus is considered one of the highlights of the Elizabethan era.
It’s a tale you already know in your soul, of one man’s ill-advised bargain with a literal devil.
Performance at 7 PM. Free and open to the public with contributions gratefully accepted.
Directed by Francisco C. Torres.
Faustus – Miranda Galvan
Mephastophilis – Sarah Z. Johnson
Pope/Emperor Carolus V – Kiki Moritsugu
Valdes – Louis Sather
Cornelius – Harvey Black
Wagner – Laura Kochanowski
Clown – Bridget Doxtater
Scholar 1/Devil – Anna Mei Baker
Scholar 2/Devil – Chelsea Troost
Lucifer – Jason Compton
Good Angel – Martha E. White
Evil Angel – Janine Gardner
Covetousness – Diana Wheeler